Is it really stained glass?
No, it is all resin, aside from some thin material for sparkles inside, and the paints involved in my process.
How long does a D20 take?
Depending on the design and color choices, it can vary greatly. I have managed a D20 in as few as 10 hours, and slaved away for more than 20 hours on others. The painting is where the lion's share of the hours add up. Everything else is relatively predictable. Casting time, sanding and polishing, photography, listings, packaging, are all stable. They are either fixed overhead, or a fixed part of the labor equation.
However, painting a tiny resin cathedral to a 5 headed queen of dragons, or making a D20 look like it contains the soul of a raging volcano is where things begin to get unpredictable.
While not counted above, there are the design hours. From sketch to final design, a new D20 design (like Wizard's Trinket) can take anywhere from 15 to 30 hours.
How much does it cost (and the politely not often asked question of why)?
Generally, single D20 will be priced in the range of $1,000 - $1,500.
Regarding the why...The question above this one shows the hours that go into their creation alone. This is a craft that I have mastered through years of accumulated training and experience. However, as many understand, labor is just a part of the big picture. The cost to keep this shop operational, my business license, the time and materials that go into research and development, these are all overhead costs that are part running a business. While a small part of the price puzzle, it is still an important part.
Do you take commissions?
I do not do commissions as a general practice. However, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am always happy to consider commissions, collaborations, or other projects and see if they could fit into my work schedule!
What if I'm dissatisfied with my purchase?
I have not been asked this before, but I wanted to put it here in case it ever comes up. If you ever find yourself dissatisfied with your purchase, please contact me. While the formal return policy is all sales are final, I will not leave someone stuck with unsatisfactory results!
Due to the cost of the pieces, the need to insure the packages and such, I don't have a customer based return option. The contact page is where you should submit your inquiry. My ultimate goal is customer satisfaction, and for my pieces to be as loved by their owners as they were by me when crafting them.